We are still here....

O M G... it's been way too long.

It's Winter over here in Sydney. It's suppose to be my off season at work...

And I think this little blog truly shows our life and therefore as well how both of us have been caught up in work way too much over the last six months.

We had hardly any time off together and this beloved little space ours in the internet has been neglected.

We yet have to share our Bali trip photos and what we have been up to in the meantime.

We just returned from a 3 week Scandinavia trip and visiting my family in Germany.

It was really inspiring seeing so many great things from design, to street style and family life.

These Scandinavians really have it worked out with their family policies and we saw one too many hip young Dads on paternity leave riding his bicycle with his gorgeous bub in tow.

It was a sweet reminder that there are other things in life besides work.

That time was much needed and recharged we promised ourselves to share all the great pics we took while traveling and to return to our blog.

We also really want to somehow manage to explore more together again and actually spend time together even with our work schedule.

We have been doing well getting back into exercise and meditation and are also really deep into our own wedding planning.

I love my job and yet I feel I have not spend enough time with my little family and the love of my life lately. Maybe it's time to say no every then and when and yes to our own life. I have really missed my amazing man and I want us to discover new ways to spend more time together and allowing our work to be more flexible.

It's so great to back home, we have truly missed our little Dalston! Glad that flea season is over too.

In summer we protect him with


and similar as there are plenty of fleas and ticks around, unfortunately. For now in Winter he can run through the bushes more safely.

For now I wanted to share some more gorgeous pics from the great Julianna aka

Two Guineapigs


I hope you enjoy and forgive us for being such lame workaholics for the last few months.

Thank you all, for reading and being on the journey with us!

The best little spot and the small things

When we get a day off together and don't have plans, and especially on a sunny day, we love walking over to Paddington and have coffee and breakfast at our favourite little spot:
Tuk Tuk Street Bar! The people working there are just the friendliest and they really like dogs too.
Not to mention the fresh, healthy food, the yummy coffee and the great spot to sit and watch people go by.
Here are some snaps from last time. We thought it really deserves an own blog post.
It's the very small things that make my day, like a good coffee and sunshine and taking some time out of a busy week just to enjoy both. And to make it perfect it will have to be in good company.
David & Dalston you rock my world!
Do you have a favourite cafe to hang out?

What else is new? Dalston comes with David to work in the design office from time to time, he graduated from puppy school this week and at home we made it super cozy with a new desk and couch... and new bed for Dalston too.
We can't wait to show you our new living room as soon as we are finished. It only took us one year and 4 weeks... Well. One step at a time, I guess.

Happy Days And Nights in our hood!

"Hello, my name is Dalston" from Julianna Koh-Blackwell on Vimeo.

The other night the super talented pet photographer and artist Julianna from Two Guineapigs spend the evening with us, snapping along these cute images, capturing Dalston at 3 months.

 We had so much fun! Thanks Julianna, you are the greatest.

Playtime, Birthday parties & hanging out

I am super proud of Dave he is such a good puppy Dad! And Dalston? Well he learns super quick and we are deeply in love with him.
Her just a few snaps of things we have been up to lately.
For example Gaby's birthday part, from This Little Port, Dalston meeting her baby girl Clementine and him hanging out at the beach and at home.
If you enjoy puppy photos you might want to follow Dalston's Instagram here: http://instagram.com/dalstonsdiaryDalston loves kids and all other humans!
We can't stop playing with him. He is growing so quickly...
I really have to catch up and do a few posts in a row, to keep this blog up to date!
Dave had 2 weeks off work over the holidays and while I was still working on weddings over the weekends I tried to unplug and do no email work or blogging etc for the time being...
It felt very good to have so much time together.

More to follow!