Our Summer Glow Workshop- Roundup!

Just a week ago I teamed up with the raw food wizard (or shall I say unicorn?) Julie from Earth To Table & Naturopath & skincare expert Anna from Edible Beauty for a really fun and hands-on night teaching all about The Inside Out Summer Glow. From healing & nourishing foods and toxin-free skincare to natural makeup...
There was so much to tell, teach, demonstrate and play with!

Anna had everyone mix a fresh turmeric face mask to apply, Julideliciousmonstrated the most delicious treats (I also learned a thing or two about food preparation!) and I followed with a simple Summer Glow look, talking all things foundation, highlighter and radiant cheeks.
The look we did was quite similar to my day-to-day makeup, which you can see in this video.
I was using my fave Jane Iredale Foundations: Liquid Minerals, Glow Time & PurePressed.
The key is to find the right one for your skin type and needs.
And I really can't seem to get enough of the vegan lip&cheek carrot colour pots & vanilla highlighters by Ere Perez.
We used all the beautiful skincare products for prepping the skin by Edible Beauty, which I also featured in detail in this video.
(If you want to get yourself some: Use code "LIV15" at checkout, for a special discount that applied to my clients & readers!)

We were also lucky to have the talented Gaby @ Gabriela Fearn Photography, shoot some behind the scenes of the event for us. Thank you, Gaby!!!!

The beautiful toxin-free candles were supplied by BearLakeFinds.com

As usual, I had little Faye in tow, while she had a great time with daddy and coming to visit for a while, she definitely had enough of it all by the end of the night.
I totally pushed her bedtime a little too far. Mama has still a lot of learning to do. Oops.
Forgive your silly Mum, little one, I am trying my best.
Our next workshop will happen during the daytime :)
She has been amazing tagging along with my gigs and I make sure that she gets my full attention and presence when we spent time together. I might write a little piece about this working mum business sometime soon! 

Why I Am Raising My Daughter Vegan & Health Expert Interview


If you know me, have been reading this blog or are following me on Instagram you have probably noticed that I am vegan. I believe this is the kindest, healthiest and most respectful lifestyle and like all normal, loving parents, I will do what I think is best for my children.
It's better for the planet and other humans, as world hunger and thirst would easily be resolved with a vegan diet, it's better for your own health (if you are following a balanced plant-based diet), it's better for the animals! So it's a win-win-win situation :)
Some people have asked me lately if I will bring up my daughter to be vegan. Some with concerned looks on their faces, others with genuine interest on the topic. The answer is:
Yes, absolutely! Please read on if you are interested in the scientific evidence and also a great video interview with a professional!

Let's clear up the facts right from the start with the unbiased and official statement by the American Dietetic Association here. If you don't want to click over here it is summed up for you:

" It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes."

I realised that many people are very misinformed when it comes to nutritional advice.
Although I always do the very extended research myself, I wanted to share an expert interview with you on this topic. I am very thrilled to have been able to speak to the well-respected Naturopath & Health Science Expert Robyn Chuter, who is much more articulate than I am and also a professional in this field.
She will share with you the scientific evidence that supports plant-based eating.

I really hope you enjoy this special in-depth interview that will help you understand more about how and why vegan children are thriving.

(Okay, the odds were against us when I was recording this video. We had to do it twice and unfortunately the second recording the internet connection was getting weak and little Faye deconstructed my microphone...but hey, the facts and content are still good, so cut this new Mama some slack with the technical issues!)

Are you inspired to make a change? Here are some of the great resources to get started with a plant-based diet as mentioned in the Video:

 Watch the documentaries:

What The Health

Forks Over Knives

Eating You Alive

Check out the websites:  

The Plantrician Project ( Quick Start Guide) 
 Empower Total Health
Dr. McDougall


Winter Solstice & New Beginnings

Photo of me taken in London by Candice Lake

I have been trying to ignore the fact that Winter hit Sydney, but with today being the shortest day of the year, I have come to terms with it. The heater is pumping, I am wrapped in socks and scarf while sitting in my office and sipping herbal teas. Actually, I am having two cups going at the same time.

Today is supposed to be a powerful Winter Solstice paired with a full moon, which I learned this morning in my yoga class. It's a time for new beginnings, a time to reflect and do a little less.

Inspired by this short cold day, I decided to really embrace Winter this year.
I would love to hear of your rituals, too.

My Winter Beauty & Health Rituals And Resolutions

I have stocked up on organic teas like Dandelion Chai, Rooibos, Rosehip & Ginger and Spicy Yogi Tea. During our recent Byron trip, I really got hooked on healthy coffee alternatives that are just as comforting. My resoIution:
I am reducing my caffeine intake at the same time and will only have the occasional coffee.

I am planning on getting a nice Winter wardrobe. (The last few years I only had nice Summer clothes and tried to get through the Winter with some old leggings and old jumpers)

Taking Baths! It's quite an act of self-love and indulgence. I love using Magnesium bath salts, which are extra relaxing and soothing on sore muscles. I am aiming to schedule in more time for baths during this cold season.

Winter is the perfect time for Soups! We are mixing it up over here and trying out all sorts of combinations. Pumkin, Cauliflower, Mushroom... We love warming spices like Ginger and Chili, which are warming.

Morning runs were skipped lately, not only because it's fresh outside, but mainly because it's too dark in the early morning. So we are doing some Kundalini Yoga over here in our loungeroom every morning. We put the heater on and cosy lighting. It's just the best way to start the day.

What do you like to do in Winter?
This might develop into a little Winter Series with more concrete recommendations & tips.

Until then: Stay warm and cosy. x