Turmeric Latte - Why I have been drinking it for years

Have you had a Turmeric Latte yet?

It seems like the next hip health drink trend but Turmeric Milk is so much more. It's not just a fashion, quite the opposite it's actually been an ancient natural remedy in India. Popular with Yogi's for longer than anyone would be able to remember. They call it Golden Milk. 

I came across Golden Milk many years ago through my Kundalini Yoga practice. Whenever I felt my body needed some healing support I made myself a daily turmeric drink for a few weeks. I have always made it as a vegan version with creamy soy milk or delicious coconut milk as a soothing night time drink. I used to follow the original Indian recipe making the paste from spices from scratch. 

Now I buy a ready made mixture and just stir it into warm soy milk. Too easy!!! And it's extra tasty too. With a mix of spices and natural vanilla, it's extremely comforting. I use Turmeric Latte Mix by Nature's Harvest. It's a beautiful blend of organic spices and of course, it's vegan.

I have been having a Tumeric Latte every morning (replacing coffee and avoiding caffeine while breastfeeding a newborn) since I had our little Faye arrived.
But not just because it tastes so good...The health benefits are really amazing. It does so many things and is not only safe but beneficial during breastfeeding too.
I have listed some fun facts for the health nerds below:

Health Benefits of Turmeric

A high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and traditionally has been known to lower risk of heart disease, prevent cancer, support healthy brain function, and treat arthritic conditions. The spice is full of nutrients, such as vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients.
The latest research has even shown that Turmeric is able to kill cancer cells!

Beauty Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric also makes you more beautiful...well kind of:
The health benefits of turmeric include an improved ability to digest fats, reducing gas and bloating, decreased congestion, and improved skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

Breastfeeding Benefits of Turmeric

Many women have problems with swollen breasts and clogged milk ducts, which can be very painful for nursing mums and can lead to more serious complications like mastitis. Turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation in nursing mothers’ breasts, so they can continue to feed and remain healthy.
The herb contains antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that help enhance your immunity and protect you from a cough, cold, and the flu while nursing your baby.
Turmeric helps regulate body weight, increase the flow of bile, and prevent the risk of weight gain, and obesity for lactating mums. Have a teaspoon of turmeric powder after your meals to maintain a healthy weight. Isn't this great? Spread the word and tell all breastfeeding Mamas out there.

Benefits of Turmeric Latte Mix

All of the above PLUS:

Another high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory may improve some key risk factors for heart disease, including cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure, as well as help balance blood sugar levels.
Traditionally used to treat nausea and morning sickness, it’s antiinflammatory properties may also help relieve muscle pain while it’s gingerol can help lower your risk of infections.
Similar to ginger in its use for digestive concerns, it is also a detoxifier, mild diuretic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory.
Used to decrease pain and inflammation, help control weight by stimulating metabolism and prevent disease with its antioxidant content.
Vanilla is a true medicinal food that has been used for centuries, and an everyday ‘superfood’. It’s especially powerful at enhancing brain and mood health.
Black Pepper
Enhances nutrient absorption and bioavailability of Turmeric and improves digestion.

Winter Solstice & New Beginnings

Photo of me taken in London by Candice Lake

I have been trying to ignore the fact that Winter hit Sydney, but with today being the shortest day of the year, I have come to terms with it. The heater is pumping, I am wrapped in socks and scarf while sitting in my office and sipping herbal teas. Actually, I am having two cups going at the same time.

Today is supposed to be a powerful Winter Solstice paired with a full moon, which I learned this morning in my yoga class. It's a time for new beginnings, a time to reflect and do a little less.

Inspired by this short cold day, I decided to really embrace Winter this year.
I would love to hear of your rituals, too.

My Winter Beauty & Health Rituals And Resolutions

I have stocked up on organic teas like Dandelion Chai, Rooibos, Rosehip & Ginger and Spicy Yogi Tea. During our recent Byron trip, I really got hooked on healthy coffee alternatives that are just as comforting. My resoIution:
I am reducing my caffeine intake at the same time and will only have the occasional coffee.

I am planning on getting a nice Winter wardrobe. (The last few years I only had nice Summer clothes and tried to get through the Winter with some old leggings and old jumpers)

Taking Baths! It's quite an act of self-love and indulgence. I love using Magnesium bath salts, which are extra relaxing and soothing on sore muscles. I am aiming to schedule in more time for baths during this cold season.

Winter is the perfect time for Soups! We are mixing it up over here and trying out all sorts of combinations. Pumkin, Cauliflower, Mushroom... We love warming spices like Ginger and Chili, which are warming.

Morning runs were skipped lately, not only because it's fresh outside, but mainly because it's too dark in the early morning. So we are doing some Kundalini Yoga over here in our loungeroom every morning. We put the heater on and cosy lighting. It's just the best way to start the day.

What do you like to do in Winter?
This might develop into a little Winter Series with more concrete recommendations & tips.

Until then: Stay warm and cosy. x