We are still here....

O M G... it's been way too long.

It's Winter over here in Sydney. It's suppose to be my off season at work...

And I think this little blog truly shows our life and therefore as well how both of us have been caught up in work way too much over the last six months.

We had hardly any time off together and this beloved little space ours in the internet has been neglected.

We yet have to share our Bali trip photos and what we have been up to in the meantime.

We just returned from a 3 week Scandinavia trip and visiting my family in Germany.

It was really inspiring seeing so many great things from design, to street style and family life.

These Scandinavians really have it worked out with their family policies and we saw one too many hip young Dads on paternity leave riding his bicycle with his gorgeous bub in tow.

It was a sweet reminder that there are other things in life besides work.

That time was much needed and recharged we promised ourselves to share all the great pics we took while traveling and to return to our blog.

We also really want to somehow manage to explore more together again and actually spend time together even with our work schedule.

We have been doing well getting back into exercise and meditation and are also really deep into our own wedding planning.

I love my job and yet I feel I have not spend enough time with my little family and the love of my life lately. Maybe it's time to say no every then and when and yes to our own life. I have really missed my amazing man and I want us to discover new ways to spend more time together and allowing our work to be more flexible.

It's so great to back home, we have truly missed our little Dalston! Glad that flea season is over too.

In summer we protect him with


and similar as there are plenty of fleas and ticks around, unfortunately. For now in Winter he can run through the bushes more safely.

For now I wanted to share some more gorgeous pics from the great Julianna aka

Two Guineapigs


I hope you enjoy and forgive us for being such lame workaholics for the last few months.

Thank you all, for reading and being on the journey with us!

Sydney Makeup Workshop with Liv Lundelius

Liv Lundelius Worshop 2014 from PebbleCoastFilms on Vimeo.

…and here it is the awesome work of Carla at Pebble Coast Films! I am so happy and grateful for the wonderful team that helped me to make it all happen. - See more at: http://blushless.com/blog/#.U_L8l0j-iwU
…and here it is the awesome work of Carla at Pebble Coast Films! I am so happy and grateful for the wonderful team that helped me to make it all happen. - See more at: http://blushless.com/blog/#.U_L8l0j-iwAnd here it is the awesome work of Carla at Pebble Coast Films enhanced with images by Julianna at twoguineapigs! See the full credits in the video.Thanks again from the bottom of my heart to the wonderful team that helped me to make it all happen

 And here it is the awesome work of Carla at Pebble Coast Films and Julianna at twoguineapigs
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart to the wonderful team that helped me to make it all happen. Please see the video for full credits.

…and here it is the awesome work of Carla at Pebble Coast Films! I am so happy and grateful for the wonderful team that helped me to make it all happen. - See more at: http://blushless.com/blog/2014/08/19/sydney-makeup-workshop/#.U_L9vEj-iwU..
…and here it is the awesome work of Carla at Pebble Coast Films! I am so happy and grateful for the wonderful team that helped me to make it all happen. - See more at: http://blushless.com/blog/#.U_L8l0j-iwU
…and here it is the awesome work of Carla at Pebble Coast Films! I am so happy and grateful for the wonderful team that helped me to make it all happen. - See more at: http://blushless.com/blog/#.U_L8l0j-iwU
…and here it is the awesome work of Carla at Pebble Coast Films! I am so happy and grateful for the wonderful team that helped me to make it all happen. - See more at: http://blushless.com/blog/#.U_L8l0j-iwU
…and here it is the awesome work of Carla at Pebble Coast Films! I am so happy and grateful for the wonderful team that helped me to make it all happen. - See more at: http://blushless.com/blog/#.U_L8l0j-iwU
…and here it is the awesome work of Carla at Pebble Coast Films! I am so happy and grateful for the wonderful team that helped me to make it all happen. - See more at: http://blushless.com/blog/#.U_L8l0j-iwU

Planning a big day: Sydney Makeup Workshop

All photos documented by JK Blackwell at twoguineapigs
The last weeks have been pretty hectic and a little chaotic as well, while we were preparing for day: My makeup workshop.
It was a wonderful collaboration between Blog Society, Eat Read Love and I (Liv Lundelius Makeup), held at the Create Or Die Studio in Marrickville.
With being fully booked around that date I was very grateful for Dave, little Dalston and remarkable friend and super talented photographer Julianna at twoguineapigs to put in the extra hours and get all details right. Even better that the last preparations have been documented. I guess most of you know that I am a professional makeup artist
The day went super well. It was a really great challenge and I am humbled to say the guests attending were just the most enthusiastic and passionate.
I am incredibly grateful to have my little family and friends supporting and uplifting me to follow my dreams. It was a truly special time.
I want to make time for family and friends in return, as I feel that my work and ambitions are consuming most of my time. I love my work so much and switching off is something I probably have to learn.
If you are a friend reading this, know that I will try my best to be a better friend, daughter, puppy mum, girlfriend, partner ... I really do. And thanks everyone for sticking around.

I will update this space soon with some coverage of the actual event and it's amazing partners. Stay tuned!

Winter Work & Wet Weeks

So so much has happend since I last updated this little blog of ours.
I have had week where I had a photo-shoot every single day, most of them in the pouring rain on location...but it was still really really fun and so worth it.
I have gotten a great opportunity for more fashion makeup work, which is super exciting and my little wedding business is growing and growing, so many lovely brides to be, it's always great meeting them and creating their makeup & hair.
I am now listed on The Lane, which is super exciting and I have lately met so many inspiring people.
I am over the moon and so grateful for all this great opportunities and can't express how much I love my job. There is also a little photo makeup tutorial over at This Little Port, check it out if you haven't already.
All very exciting, so we have both been working our butts off lately. Dave has a challenging and great project to design right now, so we have both had long days and short nights.

We had Pizza in bed & one night in front of Dave's parents fireplace.
One night we even celebrated a little and went out for a yummy local dinner.
The other day we met up with some fam and explored the farmers markets for an early breakfast.
And I have been shopping some spicy teas to keep us warm.
I love this city so much, and there is still a lot to discover.

Well that was a little roundup of mainly work work & work.
And while I love it like this, I am dreaming of a little weekend away in the mountains next month, just to catch up and get some time with my awesome man!
And some time for picture taking.
What have you been up to?

Little Roadtrips x Mini Getaways

Is it really mid March already?
The weather is better than ever no sign of Autumn at all!
Time flies and I feel like getting carried away with it.
We hit the pause button for half a day last Sunday: Although we are tired, we got up super early,
took a thermos and some snack and went for a mini road trip up the coast to The Entrance.
We were almost the only people on the beach and it has never felt better to just lie down and relax for a couple of hours. We are playing with our new fun camera, having a lovely breakfast and were soaking in the sunlight. Recharging. A little. For more exciting work over the next weeks.
It seems like there are some fantastic opportunities coming up for me and I am crossing my fingers,
while preparing and working as much towards it as I possibly can.
I want more of these little road trips and am super excited about our little Easter getaway that we are planning right now. Soon we will have that well deserved break! Jervis Bay here we come!