Dalston In The City & Sunny Doggie Days

Photos from Dalston by dear friend & pet photographer Julianna @ Two Guineapigs!
Dalston has grown into a fabulous little man, walking on the leash nicely at most times, and being just a joy to have around. He absolutely loves people and wants to say Hi to every single stranger on the street to turn him into a friend. I still feel so lucky to have a dog in my life. We have been waiting for this for such a long time and there is truly nothing better on a stressful work intense day then a little pooch asking for attention and reminding me to take a break ever so often.
On Sunday after going for a morning run, we all went out for a yummy Breakfast together in at The Book Kitchen in Surry Hills, and afterwords wondered around town checking out little shops and just enjoying the sunshine. I was beyond impressed with how well behaved Dalston was, he just seemed to be so happy to be out and about in the City, sniffing around new areas.

The sun has been out a lot lately, and Autumn has never felt better, it's almost Summer at some days and then there are cozy crisp nights on others.
Check out Dalstons smile below! (All pics below as usual our own & iPhone)