Feeling homier by the minute + Lunch break swims

Our home interior is almost complete.
I still really want to start a picture wall full of frames, and get some more little decoration items here and there, but mostly we have a liveable house now!
On Saturday we got 2 chairs and a table, which allows us to sit down properly now, for meals:
Such an improvement in our quality of life. The camping of the last months has come to an end,
and we begin to live in our house. It feels soooooooooooo good.
We got some more little plants around the place, my home office is set up, including photos on the wall and candle on the desk and I feel like I will find time for all the exciting projects I am having in my mind real soon. 
My driving skills are getting better by the day too.
Sydney, you are quite something: While having a busy day keeping up with all the admin, emails and organization of my freelance work I can go for a swim during my lunch break.
The Redleaf Pool is right behind our house, and isn't actually a pool but rather a harbour side beach.
There is a little very simple cafe right by the water too, where we sneaked out to have a sunny breakfast one morning. They do yummy Banana Bread and really nice Ice coffees but it's more the location right next door and the lack of great cafes in our hood that makes us go over there.
Living by the water is simply the best! 
It's still wonderful weather over here and I can't yet imagine how Sydney will look and feel in Autumn and Winter.
We finally took a few snaps of our new home here, which is an apartment in an Art Deco block of flats in Double Bay. It's so much fun setting everything up and I am looking forward to seeing this place grow homier and homier over time.