A Freezing Holiday and language lessons

We are back to London!
Our little holiday to northern Germany was freezing cold but very very nice.
It has been constantly below -10 degrees and I am ready for Spring now.
One week at my Mum's house in the country side, just loads of delicious food and fun times.
It was so good to seeing everyone.
They had a little surprise for us as well, as they have just started an English course, they were so much better in understanding and talking to Dave this time. So cute!
Dave decided to learn German as well, which is great.
I do believe German is not an easy language to learn and I wonder when he will find the time,
at least he has me as a native speaker at home ; )
What about you guys: Are you speaking different languages?
Do you have any recommendations for methods, books/cd's etc.?

I will catch up and tell you about our Berlin trip soon.