My dream home

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My first dream house was the "VILLA KUNTERBUNT" which is the house of Pippi Longstocking. When I was 4 years old I was obsessed by her, she had it all. A big house without parents, cool pets, cake for breakfast, a huge box of gold coins and good friends.

Today most inspiration for my dream home comes from The Selby, where most houses actually do have a lot in common with the Villa Kunterbunt. The site is so addictive and always creates big house-envy. But I am getting closer to my dream home, step by step. Our living situation will improve drastically next month. We are moving house and just found a fabulous BIG flat in the same fantastic old factory building. We will be sharing with a couple from Paris, très chic. And guess what? My new flatmate is a vegan baker! YAY & YUM. What does your dream home look like? And is it a long way to go?