i'll be back
/Cover of the new chemical brothers album...
...that I ve seen on the tube today. And thought it matches my situation perfectly. With another move within the next weeks, a server/comment error on this blog and an on/off internet connection I am a little bit lost.
If you have trouble leaving comments, please email me liv(at)blushless.com, I will publish your comments, and if you add info about your browser, your error message and the time when you tried to comment,it will help me to fix this problem hopefully sooner.
In the meantime, I will pack/unpack boxes, get furniture for the new workspace, and trying to be happy about all the good things here in London and all the massive Inspiration(...that I can't transform into work right now because there is not enaugh time...argh!) I had to promise my better half not to stress myself out too much. How could I possibly think that I'll be able to keep that promise!?
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