Tourists At Home: Empire Lounge Food & Seaplanes Flight

The weekend was just perfect, the sun was out, we were all together as a family and we were home. I did have some work on as well, but everything just worked around each other seamlessly, you know when things just work out and everything feels easy and good?

We had a delicious vegan breakfast at the local Empire Lounge, our go-to coffee place, where Faye is always treated like a queen and the views are beautiful. But we have to give an extra shout out to the wonderful staff and the chef Faheem Noor, which always surprises us with the best vegan creations, although this isn't a vegan restaurant at all.  We must be the most challenging guests but are always so happy with the food.

After breakfast, we hopped on a seaplane for a scenic flight over Sydney, which was such a treat. The views were unbelievable and Faye had a lot of fun. She really seems to love planes and was quite wowed by the flight. It was one of these pinch me days, where I just felt SO grateful for everything. We have lately had a lot to work out in terms of balancing work with parenthood, schooling, and our living situation, so it was nice to pause and just be happy.

We love our city and neighborhood so much and this weekend felt like a little celebration.
There is so much beauty around us, so many kind people and the magical coastline and beaches here... I have always dreamt of living in a city by the beach when I was little and here we are!

That same night we had some farewell drinks for friends who are moving away (boo) at the same place because we can't seem to get enough of it. And also the walking distance is rather handy when going out with a bunch of parents and babies.

Sometimes you just have to celebrate!