We Are Back! Embracing Winter & Montessoring About

Before we flood you with holiday pictures, which you might have already seen on Instagram, I like to catch up with you right here right now.

We are back. It's the first day of Winter today in Sydney and the weather leaves no doubts about that. It's cold. It's windy. It's wet.
We are wearing all the layers, snuggle up with hot water bottles at night and hiding our lovely tans. Noone will ever know that we are so lovely evenly bronzed right now.

I am braving the weather with Faye every morning on the playground, sometimes we are the only ones there. She doesn't mind. As long as she finds, sticks, sand, mud, and space to run around in, she is a very happy kid. Impossible to keep her indoors.
On the plus side: Kids just all look so cute in their winter knits, beanies, and puffer jackets.

I am surviving on Chai Tea, Beetroot Latte, sweet Date snacks and Hot Pumpkin Soups.
I do miss my papaya & pineapples diet from Hawaii a little, but hey, making the most out of the seasons.

The best thing about being home is that it's so much easier to follow our little routines and Faye can be more independent in our home the way its setup.
I am inspired again to improve and add little helpful things for Faye so she can use the space even better. It also helps all of us so much, if everything has its space.
We are back to our weekly Montessori Toddler group, which is SO wonderful!
The more we get involved, the more we are loving it. 
There is so much to learn on this parenting journey. Connecting with like-minded parents and a great community is everything.