Life Lately With Our 18 Months Young Wild Life Lover

Little beach visits, Helloween dress-ups, parties and wild play…
Our life in between work lately with our (gasp!) 18 month old girl.

And just like that you turned 18months!

That was quick! Every day, hour, minute and second we have loved you. We loved you long before you were born. Watching you grow is the greatest joy and miracle!

My heart is so filled to the brim and overflowing and I just love spending my days and nights with you. There is no way any words can describe the feeling of being a mother.
It’s the greatest thing ever.

At the moment you love blueberries and mango beyond anything and could easily eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Drawing is your favourite activity right now. You fill stacks upon stacks of paper with your little artworks and sometimes the table too. You are particularly interested in circles. You draw them with your finger in the sand on the beach, with a stick in the mud or with crayons on “papierz” = Paper.

Your hair is long enough to fall into your eyes now and you are very intrigued with bows and clips.
Only for 3 seconds. That’s the time when you kindly ask me to take them back out and start screaching. The little curls at the back are getting longer and longer and you have a rather quirky mullet style right now, with a natural super short fringe. It suits you.

It’s finally Spring and you have been splashing on the beach again. A time when Mama can recharge too.

Hugs and kisses are another new discovery and passion of yours and you give them out ever so generously to both your parents and also your puppy brother, Dalston.

You told me the other day that you don’t want help in a full sentence. A delightful shock to me and sign of your independence.

After a short time of reading and drawing inside you will get your shoes and enthusiastically yell:
GO! GO! GO! Ruuuunnnnnn!
And running you do. Like a little sprinter.

You no longer look like a baby now…your have gotten leaner and lost many of your delicious rolls.
Lately you have been growing as if it was a sport.
We are here to cheer you on, but this age is bittersweet for me as I know that babyhood will never return and those days are long behind us.
You are introducing yourself to strangers as “Daye” and me as “Mama” you are hugging your friends and all animals you come across.

Your are so strong and energetic and remain fearless.
Oh Faye, I love you so! Happy (belated 18months, as you are 19months this week)