Pool Parties, Bowling Birthdays & Thoughts On Motherhood
/It's clearly party season...and while it looks a little bit as we have just been letting the good times roll, we actually have had a rather hectic time. It's called silly season for a reason, right?
It's important to me above all that we have as much time together as a family as possible, while Faye is little. Babyhood is fleeting and I it's going to be over before we know it!
(insert dramatic theme here)
For me, that is absolutely priceless. I love being a Mama so much and every day with Faye is special. I am so grateful I get to be Mum this lifetime.
Seriously, I could have never imagined all the feels that I am experiencing.
The newborn bubble really was bliss. Now the daily life has kicked back in, juggling a business & work commitments, with motherhood, time with friends and the household...(my office has lately just transformed into a messy, storage room with boxes piling on top of each other and ever growing to do lists) And our little routines are constantly changing.
Faye is so active and full of beans these days!
Which brings me to: All the worries...
Although I am a pretty optimistic, happy-go-lucky person being a Mum brings a new level of depth and a certain heaviness to my heart. It feels as if my heart has cracked open and I have reached a new level of vulnerability. I don't even know how to put it into words.
As a Mum, like all parents, I want the best for Faye. The best is, of course, a highly subjective matter. That means, that we have to constantly make decisions. Small and big ones, all of which will impact the little one's life. The centre of our universe has clearly shifted.
I know also how lucky I am to even be able to make decisions for our life.
But I am questioning things more than ever.
I am trying to remember that we are doing pretty alright, I hope.
But for now, it's Christmas time. And I trust that all the rest is going to work itself out.
Doesn't life always have its magical ways of showing us opportunities and solutions, when we can let go?
We had a beautiful pool Christmas party with Dave's extended family here in Sydney, with plenty of kids splashing around, yummy fresh food and lots and lots of fun. Faye did not want to leave the pool! She is always happy in the water this one. Always! Can you spot her two little chompers? The next ones are already on their way and she is busy scraping on carrot & cucumber sticks these days. I caught Dave smiling all day. I think on this day we were all so present and in the now. Just having fun.
I also played lawn bowls for the first time! A strange but fun little game. Being out and about with friends during a warm Summer night just really recharged me for the week. Aren't Summer nights just the very best? They always bring butterflies to my tummy.
Prior to Faye, I would always make sure we would go for walks, dinners, picnics or swims on these nights. I am so glad that we still get to go about and on some evenings, even though Faye is still little and we are messing with her bedtime. It's all about balance!
Faye really had fun at the lawn bowling too and eventually fell asleep on me in her sling.
One little party animal, once again!
My vegan sneakers are the VFL ones I told you about here a local Sydney biz.
Faye's Swimhat is by Bed Head Hats and supports kids in need which I told you about here.