Bliss Bowls & Banana Bites- Faye's First Foods

It was a big week in our house: Faye started solid food!
She has been sitting up unsupported for a few weeks now. She also has been grabbing my food and trying to stick it in her mouth and wants to imitate us, drinking from glasses etc.
We had her sitting in the high chair and playing with utensils every morning for a week.
When we went for delicious Acai Bowls after work on the weekend there was no more stopping her from wanting to eat and really taking part... so the next morning for breakfast Faye had her first bite of Banana.
Quite a special moment for all of us.
I know there are benefits to delaying solids and I really wanted to make sure she is ready.
I also believe foods are for fun until one... so we are just letting her explore with it for now.
Baby led weaning style, rather than spoon feeding.
If she is truly ready she will eat until then she can play and explore.
This morning she was super keen on getting that banana in her mouth, she even tried spoon feeding herself and I helped out a little.

We weren't all prepared for the first time, so our table got really mushed up and it was hard to scrub off all the goo afterwards.. so we got a toxin-free/eco natural rubber placemat by Hevea via Organic Mums And Bubs. The best idea. It suctions onto the table, looks really nice and it is very easy to clean. We also got her a bowl, spoon & fork set, which turned out to be a mega success. Faye thinks they are the best toys ever. We like that they are made from non-toxic plant resin which is eco-friendly and recyclable. And the design is pretty cute too. My first bowl set was orange, so I love how it looks a little retro and makes me feel all nostalgic.

I went to see plant-based Naturopath Robyn Chuter on advice and the latest research on how to introduce solids and am following her plan.
It basically suggests to start with raw, fresh, seasonal fruit one at a time and then moves onto different groups of steamed vegetables, raw vegetables before moving on to nuts, seeds and finally to whole grains & legumes until by the age of one she will be able to eat all the family foods!

Faye is still breastfed and we are planning to continue up until around 2 years as the World Health Organisation Recommends. I also think that Faye might self-wean eventually, when she is ready.
We are also both enjoying it a lot and besides the enormous health benefits, I am finding it so practical and easy. It's also so good to know that it is the perfect food for her, containing all the nutrients she needs.