Wedding Planning in Action x A Clean Home

We spent our free time planning, organising, researching, listing, shopping, emailing....

for our wedding right now.

Remember I said we were planning to spent more qualitiy time with each other?

Well my wishes were heard and we got the opportunity to get help with

house cleaning

the other week, which was fantastic. It freed up a lot of time for us, just to get someone to clean up our place,

after a busy week and so much to do for the wedding.

We treated ourselves to a clean by online cleaning business

Home Hello


It was super easy to set up and I can highly recommend this.

David really enjoys cleaning the house usually and we don't have a house full of children, so usually we manage quite well although I could easily get used to this. :)

When we got engaged

White Magazine

asked me to write an article about our planning,

it's been published in the latest print issue, so I thought I share it here with you as well:

Planning a wedding in the age of Pinterest & CO

Have you set a date yet? What is your dress going to look like? What sort of flowers were you thinking of getting? – Immediately after getting engaged well meaning friends and family bombarded us with questions, even before we had a chance to decide if we wanted a wedding or simply elope.

We just wanted to be married and live happily ever after, we hadn’t thought about a wedding.It seemed like everyone around us had pretty high expectations of what our wedding day would look like, maybe because we are both working in creative jobs and are surrounded by wonderful vendors all the time.

We dived right into the abundance of inspiration, hoping to feel the same excitement about this event than everyone around us. Looking at beautiful blogs, magazines and of course Instagram and

Pinterest, there was all this deliciousness from amazing fellow vendors, beautifully photographed.Lost in a picture perfect Pinterest wedding world filled with DIY projects, services and products we felt that most of it was meaningless and irrelevant to us personally. Were we over-inspired? Was all the goodness just too much to take and overwhelming? Ok, back to the drawing board…we took a deep breath, pen and paper and made notes about the

things that really mattered to us. We focused on why we wanted a wedding in the first place and who we really wanted to share this special day with. We made a must-have and nice-to-have list to

keep us on track and stick to our own ideas. The outcome was a clear feeling and a blurry vision of a small, intimate wedding, with our nearest and dearest including our puppy Dalston, a “on-holiday-

feel” with lot’s of fun, eating and dancing. We wanted it to be low key and high fun. We strongly felt less is more. No need for a theme or a colour scheme. What we DID need was a place that made us and our guests feel welcome, plenty of food, good music, drinks and some simple off-the-rack outfits. Easier said than done… Many of the “alternative” venues we contacted seemed to be colder than expected and replied with way too many rules, regulations and restrictions than my free spirited self could digest. Our must have list quickly ruled out pretty much any venue within NSW and it seemed like the only option left was camping- no wait, even the campsite did not allow dogs. (Besides that my lovely future mother in law would possibly be mad at me forever if I make her camp on our wedding.) While we really stuck to our guns with the venue and overall feel, we gave in at other points of planning. The “don’t-care-ready-to-wear” dress idea turned into a custom design couture gown (whoops…). As my former fashion designer self took over and I rediscovered how much fun the process of creating it from scratch would be, there was no turning back from the quality fabrics and great craftsmanship.

Turned out that overall trying to keeping it simple and real is sometimes harder than just going with a more traditional option. Letting the magic of wedding planning take over from time to time actually feels good. Now we can’t wait.

Since I wrote these words we have gotten a lot more done and we will do a little wedding venue site visit next month.

I am so glad Dave is organized and helps making beautiful plans and drawings for the setup.

We are also super excited about some of our overseas friends & family that have booked their flights and will be coming to celebrate with us.

The other week we also got to meet our brand new little nephew Christopher, such a cutie!

Dave was a natural in rocking him back to sleep in the hospital when we visited and we are looking forward to catching up with the whole family soon.

While we have been enjoying home made soups, bakes and cozy nights in, I am excited for Spring!