Diamond Jubilee and British Weather

The last weeks have been bright and sunny and purely amazing but just in time for the long weekend and the Queens Diamond Jubilee Parties, the temperature has dropped and it has been wet, very very wet. Boooooooo. Why oh why, dear June?
We have tried our best to keep up and attended the local street party anyway and it was fun.
Everyone put such an effort into costumes, cupcakes, and decorations, even the dogs were wearing flags.
It was very similar to last years royal wedding party on Wilton Way.
See our post from last year and here and a great video here, to get an idea.
When we got too soaked and too cold, we went for fantastic giant Pizzas at
Bella Vita
a warm and cozy restaurant on Broadway Market.
And after snuggled up to watch a movie, with loads of blankets at home.