Time for the important things...
photos by the talented Photography By Nadean
I do love being busy and I am always so full of new ideas and passion about my work that it's hard for me to sit still. However there are things that I miss in these crazy times, most of all: Sleep! 2nd: The time to make healthy food, sit down to eat and eat well, 3rd: Time for cuddles and hanging out with my two fav boys in the world and at last, number 4: Reading!
So I made some things priority no matter how busy everything felt, I bought some fresh flowers, and yummy groceries and cooked at home a few days in a row! Cuddles on the couch followed and also some earlier bed times. All this was inspired by a brand new amazing healthy food cook book named "my darling, lemon, thyme..." which I found in my goodie bag at a wonderful evening that was all about a completely different book "Sapphire Skies" by Belinda Alexandra. Who was just the loveliest person and a true animal lover, so we instantly had something in common. Through my job I got the last minute opportunity to attend a truly magical night at the Watson's Bay Boutique Hotel hosted by the wonderful Nat from the Eat Read Love blog. I guess that was really the theme over the last weeks Eat, Read and LOVE. It was a book launch dinner party, where the author was present and all tables were filled with Sydney's finest creative talents, from photographers, bloggers, stylist, artists, editors, writers, entrepreneurs in many many fields ....
This night really inspired me on so many levels, and also showed me once again how important it is to make room to get together with great people. While I haven't actually had the chance yet to start the book, (I will save it for times of travel and holiday!) I made time for some other important things and returned full of energy back to work with my wonderful clients.
If you are interested in finding out more and seeing more pictures check out the original post over at Eat Read Love