engagement guitar!
/ image via guitararchelogy.com
The awesome designer and writer of the blog MADE IN ENGLAND,
just got engaged to his amazing girlfriend and blogger of MONSTER MUNCH.
But instead of giving her a diamond ring,
HE GAVE HER AN ENGAGEMENT GUITAR: Now that really literally rocks!
"Rather than get a diamond ring, which to be honest I think is probably the least interesting thing you can spend a lot of money on,
I got her a guitar instead!
Neither of us play guitar, so at first sight it seems quite a random choice.. But her maiden name is Gibson, same as the legendary guitar makers, so I thought I’d get her something to remind her of that when she becomes Mrs Cookie.
I wanted to get her a vintage Gibson (this sort of thing just gets better with age), preferably a 1977 model to match her birth year (and mine). "
Congratulations guys: You rock!
Read the whole story (including pictures!) here...
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