black cake- rum rum hooray!
/Still dreaming about sunshine and beaches Liv did a little reserch onCaribbean wedding traditions and found something delicious.
An Island wedding cake is unique to all the world.
Tradition calls for a BLACK CAKE, with the recipe handed down from mother to daughter and improved upon by each succeeding generation.
Isn't this great? I am totally into this kind of traditions that includes the magic of a secret, even if its just a cake recipe!
The basic ingredients of an Island wedding cake include a pound of flour, a pound of brown sugar, a pound of butter, and a pound of glazed cherries, raisins, prunes, currants, and a dozen fresh eggs. The cake is traditionally served with a HARD RUM SAUCE and all of the dried fruits are soaked in rum in a crock pot for anywhere from two weeks to one year.
That sounds delicoius. I am addicted to many black food & drinks like coffee, licorice and cola light (yeah I know its discusting!) After the reception the new couple often spend a week in seclusion in a home provided by the groom, or they may travel to a nearby island and spend a glorious week together before returning to their home to start their new life together.
Island weddings are known as very up-beat celebrations. Who can listen to the melodious and haunting sound of the steel drum without the romance of the tropics washing over their soul?
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