its about time...
/image via vivre
...for Liv to visit Lav in London again.
Tonight! Timing is everything...
Especially in fashion,
so Liv thinks clockwork cufflinks are a great idea.
Im really looking forward to London:
Will be great to suck in some new Inspiration.
Theres been so much to catch up on after fashion week.
It was really great though, met some very nice people,
shared some great ideas.
Studio is a mess. I am a bad bad housekeeper.
Was nice to be at Hotel Adlon last week.
But: Great Projects are coming.
Im currently planning an exciting photoshoot.
Then some interesting collaborations are on their way...
And more more more…
Dreamsequins just posted a nice interview about Blushless.
I was wearing a black dress during fashion week.
It was my own design and it got people asking: when will Blushless
present a second line thats not exclusively bridal?
answer: well, I am thinking about it, ok?
And you, my dearest coolest blog readers will be the first
who will be informed :)