unchain my heart... (or why liv loves jewelry)
/all images via sidvintage
Unchain My Heart is the name of my favortite jewelry collection by sidvintage.
This looks really wild! Wanna have it all! Wear it naked...ok, got side tracked....
Nancy Bennett has a solid background in the arts, worked as production designer for video and commercials, and is now handcrafting amazing
jewelry inspired by remnants, histories and old stories.
Liv loves jewelry...and most of the time I am wearing loads! When I was little my mum was a jewelry designer, and so Liv was the only kid in primary school that had rings on all fingers, a nose piercing (my mum had to try it on someone) and tons of jewelry. I got so used to it, that today I feel naked without, and most of the time even wear it during nighttime. That's the reality.
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