I'll be the rhythm and you'll be the beat
/image by dno1967
How deep is your love? My friend Julia just sent me a link to a rad article from the guardian:
"They say love conquers all. But can your love conquer a pan-pipe cover version of Sexual Healing?"
Charlie Brookers amazing idea was to create a digital mixtape with the worst cheesiest lovesongs ever.
If you can stand listening to it together, and it doesn't kill your love-mood at all then you know for sure that you are madly in love."How can you be sure the pair of you really like each other? By trying to have sex while listening to a deliberately off-putting musical playlist, of course.
My playlist, while tasteless in parts, doesn't contain anything quite that horrifying, but it should prove one heck of an obstacle course. All you have to do is download and install Spotify, then go to this URL. Click around a bit and it should open the compilation....It won't be easy. But if you make it to the end, then congratulations: you've proved your love will abide through the ages. Oh, and as a bonus, pick one of the entries for a wedding song. Then watch all your guests throw up."
Ok, I wouldn't go that far! But thanks for this love test idea Charlie!
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