Merry Christmas And A VERY Happy BELATED New Year
/We had a fun and relaxing Christmas time over here. Everything I wanted. Coziness, yummy food and time together. It already feels like a distant memory. We had the traditional vegan cheese platter and drank our coconuts.
Our decorations are packed up and the new year has already started with a bang.
I am just looking back at all the good times 2018 has brought us.
A special year in which Faye turned ONE, we went on my dream vacation in Hawaii and swam with turtles,
we baked and ate, we saw friends, we worked, we laughed.
We didn’t sleep much, we nursed, we played… We read and read and then read some more.
We watched Faye take her first steps, then first runs, very high climbs, first scoots on her scooter and first attempts on riding her balance bike.
We heard her first words and short sentences…
We cuddled and snuggled. We hugged and we kissed.
The end of this year is bitter sweet. I am missing babyhood but I am also SO excited for more.
Thank you 2018!!!
2019 Has already started off beautifully, with many mornings spend on the beach.
Faye is growing new teeth and we said good bye to nappies this week (eeeeeek!!!)
It’s all happening once again.
Happy belated new year everyone!