My High Protein Vegan Lasagne

One recipe I have recently made up has become a bit of a favorite for dinner over here, it's my vegan lasagne. Based on lentil pasta, it's high in protein, very nourishing and of course, it's vegan!
A friend recently told me that she wants to become vegan and asked me lot's of questions about what I eat and about all sorts of tips and tricks about being a vegan. It reminded me how close this topic is to my heart and that I love vegan, healthy food and am happy to share more about this path, including some of our recipes.

Now, I am not a food blogger and my food images a probably more real than style and so are the recipes they are actually what we are eating and cooking, easy and uncomplicated.

I am not a five-star vegan chef, I am just someone running my own business, busy as most of us, that loves healthy food and follows a vegan diet. I make things that are easy and quick and I am always experimenting and trying to be creative in the kitchen.

I hope you will be having fun with this. Feel free to share any own ideas or variations that you try.
I used to make this in a BIG dish with the idea to have some for lunch the next day... EPIC FAIL!
We always ended up eating the whole amount. That's why I am only making a mini dish with a side salad now :)

As usual, try to get all ingredients organic it makes a huge difference to your health and the environment if your veggies haven't been dunked in pesticides.

(for 2people)

1 pack Lentil Lasagne Sheets*
300ml Organic Tomato passata**
1 pack silk tofu (it's important that it is the extra soft type)
1 garlic clove crushed
1 handful fresh Basil
3-4 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast Flakes
2 Portobello Mushrooms in 5mm slices
Black Pepper to taste
1 Zucchini or Eggplant** (We love both variations) in thin slices lengthways
Grated vegan Cheese, enough to cover the whole dish
(we use "Bio Cheese" which is easily available in supermarkets here in Sydney, you can use any vegan hard cheese that melts, I heard good things about "Notzarella")

*you won't need the whole pack, depending on the side of your baking dish.
(of course, you can use regular ones, but the lentil ones make this extra healthy)
**All amounts are approx. it really depends on the size of your oven dish.

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celsius
2. Cut up and prepare all your ingredients as per above
3. Mix the silken tofu, nutritional yeast flakes, crushed garlic and use the mixture in between layers
Layer the sheets with your ingredients in an oven dish by starting and ending with plenty of sauce. Cook in the oven at 200 degrees celsius until cooked through and cheese has melted into a delicious golden crust!