Collecting, Camping and Focusing
/No? Ah well, we are still waiting for our furniture&belongings, which are somewhere on a ship between London and Sydney right now. So we are sleeping on mattresses on the floor, eating from picnic ware and living on a bare minimum of suitcase essentials.It's fun some days, and annoying on others. Somehow cozy and creative but messy at times, we can't wait for our things to arrive.
In the meantime we are going round flea markets, 2nd hand furniture shops and little antique shops trying to find things for the new house that we won't have already and really need.
Other people go to the gym, we go furniture shopping without a car!
Keeping fit, we start to feel like the local gypsies in our rather posh little neighborhood.
David keeps carrying our treasures home. We are so excited to have our own place, and to decorate and renovate the apartment step by step. It feels better than I could have ever imagined, I love our place.
While we are both busy at work, it can feel overwhelming at times to come back to our little camping site, but we know its for limited time only.
Inbetween work and furniture finding we tried and make some room for coffees and dinners together.
Time to focus and talk about our goals and plans for our new life in Sydney.
I noticed how much power there is in focusing. It's easy to get sidetracked, to listen to other peoples opinions and negative beliefs to get caught up in what if's.
But what if I no longer care about what others fear or think I can't do? I focus on what I know I can do and on what I want to achieve and things are starting to fall into place. There are endless opportunities everywhere.
Sending all of you some focus and happiness for this exciting new year.
We will post some pictures of the house, once it's all done ;)